Welcome to PLC World, your trusted independent distributor of genuine new, surplus, and refurbished PLC Hardware for industrial automation and networking equipment. We understand the importance of reliable automation equipment that can be delivered faster and at a lower cost than traditional distributors.

Our mission is simple: to offer a wide range of products accompanied by excellent customer service and an efficient process that minimizes downtime for our valued clients.

At PLC World, we source our products through various independent channels, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), internet exchanges, direct or independent distributors, and miscellaneous resellers.

Please note that we are not an Authorized Distributor or affiliated with manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Fanuc, HP, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric, Siemens, or any other listed brands. We take pride in providing reliable solutions independently.

Choose PLC World for your automation needs and experience outstanding products, exceptional service, and minimized downtime.